D.o.D.E Department of
Dream Estate

The Real Estate Department collaborates with the Oasis International Holding.
The Department provides opportunities for the acquisition and management of real estate around the world to increase your capital and create a stable income.


Joint participation
in large projects
Specialists of the department are a thorough assessment of the real estate market in order to find the most promising objects.
Assistance in choosing strategies for optimal capital management and legal issues.
Make freezing
Assistance in the design of a residence permit
Help in obtaining a visa or residence permit through the acquisition of real estate.
Object management
Object management
A full range of services for the management and rental of real estate.
Real estate market
Professional analytics for choosing promising objects.
Estate Profits

Estate Profits

Income based on collateral real estate.
Department of Dream Estate (D.o.D.E) creates opportunities for participants who want to get stable income with minimal risks. Your funds are sent to loans provided by real estate.
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This allows:
  • Guarantee a refund, since real estate is made as a bail in the name of the investor.
  • Receive fixed income - 2% per month for 12 months.
  • The total profitability for the year is up to 80%.

Become part of a unique approach to managing and increasing your capital

Join Department of Dream Estate and discover new opportunities in the world of real estate!
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